Titanium dioxide is an important white pigment and porcelain glaze. Used in paint, ink, plastic, rubber, paper, chemical···
Superhydrophilic surfaceIt is concluded that the superhydrophilicity of TiO2 surface is caused by the change of its surf···
The process of producing titanium dioxide by chlorination process: the first step is to blow the titanium-rich ore and c···
China- China is one of the major producers of titanium sheets. Baoji, Shaanxi Province is known as "China's tit···
The high price of titanium sheet mainly has the following reasons:1. Raw material cost factorThe source of titanium is m···
The following are the main factors affecting the price of titanium sheets1. Cost of raw materials- The price and availab···
Classification by composition- Industrial pure titanium sheet: the main component is titanium, and the impurity content ···
Raw material preparationTitanium sheet production is mainly based on titanium sponge as raw material. First of all, we m···